Life insurance companies in Kenya

Pan African Life insurance
Pan Africa Life Assurance Limited was created as a subsidiary of Pan Africa Insurance Holdings to tap into the largely under-developed life assurance market in Kenya. The Company traces its rich history to Pan Africa Insurance Holdings which started underwriting life business in March 1947. Today, Pan Africa Life’s sixty one year heritage has stamped a significant footprint in the Kenyan market, with a branch presence in all the major towns throughout Kenya supported by a large agency force.

Pan Africa Life pioneered the introduction of Individual and Group Life products without the HIV/AIDS exclusion and was the first Company to offer life insurance without the necessity of a medical test, which underpins Pan Africa Life’s anti-discriminatory policy. Pan Africa Life remains the only life insurer in Kenya with an entire portfolio of individual life business that pays all claims, irrespective of the cause of death, where death falls outside the prescribed waiting period.

UAP insurance
Is one of the leading insurance and financial services companies in East Africa, with headquarters in Nairobi and a network of branches spread across Kenya. Regionally, it is the second largest insurer in Uganda and the first foreign underwriter in Southern Sudan.

Its origins can be traced back over 80 years. The current company was formed in 1994 after the merger of Union Insurance and Provincial Insurance following the merger of their parent companies, UAP of France and Provincial of the UK. In 1996 we became part of AXA when AXA acquired UAP in France. AXA divested in 2000 and we became a Kenyan company.

CFC life insurance
In 1964, the Kenya American Insurance Company Limited, was incorporated in Kenya.
In 1987, the organization changed its name to American Life Insurance Company (Kenya) Limited – ALICO Kenya.
In 2004, the ‘Life Insurance’ arm (long term division) of ALICO Kenya was successfully bought by CFC Bank, and CfCLife Assurance Company Ltd was formed.
In 2008, CFC Bank, our parent company merged with Stanbic Bank, once again converging CFC Life into a new international & dynamic group CFC Stanbic Holdings.

The roots of ICEA Lion can be traced to the very beginnings of the insurance industry in Kenya. In 1895 Smith Mackenzie & Company were appointed the agents of Royal Exchange Insurance Company in Kenya, based in Mombasa. The agency eventually evolved into a Royal Exchange branch. In later years, this merged with Guardian Assurance, Atlas Assurance, Caledonian Insurance, Employers Liability Assurance and Commercial Union, among others, to form the Guardian Royal Exchange and Commercial Union groups in East Africa. In 1978, these groups, which had been run jointly, were converted into a local company, Lion of Kenya Insurance Company Limited, which would soon emerge as a well respected brand within general insurance circles in the Kenyan market.

Apollo Life insurance company
Apollo is one of the leading insurance companies in Kenya with a reputation for professional management and service excellence. Established in 1977 as one of the first locally owned insurance companies, Apollo has achieved impressive growth over the years thanks to commitment to service, confidence of policyholders and a sound management policy.

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  1. Catherine says:

    lion of kenya merged with icea to form icea lion.

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